A PDB with a purpose.
Falcon 185 and 160
Falcon needed a PDB that was designed specifically for X quads. We needed a no compromise, light weight, high amperage PDB with 5V pads in the right location for popular FCs and ESC pads that don't require you to criss-cross wires or flip your ESC upside down.
Nothing like that existed, so we worked with Flynoceros to design the reversible Flyno Cloverleaf Pro PDB -- one side is perfect for KISS and Rotorgeeks ESCs, and the other perfect for everything else. With 4oz copper, support for dual Pololu voltage regulators, zip tie slots for your XT60 pigtail, and pads in all the right places, there's nothing else like it, and it ships with Falcon 160 and 185.
The Flyno PDB is 1mm thick and weighs only 5g, making it the thinnest PDB on the market.